
Scenarios of experiments are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Poland licence (CC BY 3.0 PL). Some rights are reserved to the Copernicus Science Centre. The works were created as a part of the Young Explorer’s Club Programme, conducted by the Copernicus Science Centre with the use of means of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. It is permitted to use the content freely – provided that this information will be preserved, including the information about the applied licence, held rights and Young Explorer’s Club. Contents of the licence are available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/.

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Non-leaking glass

Try to carry out the same experiment on a larger and smaller scale. Does water react always the same way?

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Physics, Chemistry,
liquid, water, surface tension

Cucumber cell

Check what is the reaction of a cell made of different vegetables or fruit. What will happen if you use different nails?

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Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
cell, current, electrolyte, acid, fruit, vegetables

Warming up scooter

Can you warm up cold hands using the brake if you make more rounds? Can you carry out the same experiment using a bicycle? Or rollerblades?

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Physics, Outdoor activities,
friction, kinetic energy, thermal conductivity of metals, movement, wheel, scooter, temperature

Portable fridge

Carry out the experiment using drinks at varying temperatures, e.g. hot or ice tea. Check whether greater amount of dissolved fertiliser influences the temperature of the solution and speed of changes in drink temperature.

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Chemistry, Physics, Geography,
temperature, heat transfer, potassium nitrate, fertiliser, soil

Ship in a bottle

Try to carry out the same experiment using a different number of toothpicks stuck into the candle and set on fire instead of the wick. Experiment with the size of the flame and vessel which you cover the candle with.

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Physics, Chemistry,
combustion, candle, pressure, negative pressure, hydrostatics, air, temperature, thermal expansion of gases