The Association started its official operation on 13.03.2008 on the initiative of a group of people, including employees of Rzeszów universities, teachers, project management specialists, entrepreneurs and students.
The Association focuses on initiating, supporting and conducting educational activities connected with knowledge popularisation and promotion of an interactive, sensory model of knowledge transfer through presentation of experiments and demonstrations illustrating phenomena and processes occurring in nature and technology.
The main programme objective is establishment of a classic science centre, an institution specialising in sensory, experimental children and youth education model.
ExploRes cooperates actively at the regional and national level with institutions and organisations operating in the field of interactive education. The most important partner in the region is the University of Rzeszów. At the national level, the Association is mainly a founding member of the Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie “Społeczeństwo i Nauka” (SPiN) [Nationwide Alliance “Society and Science”].
Supporting partner of the ExploRes Association will be the University of Rzeszów.
Website of the ExploRes Association: